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Lingbo Bridge Lighting

2021-01-28 00:00:00
Lingbo Bridge Lighting

Lingbo Bridge is located on the Luohe River west of Yingzhou Bridge and east of Southwest Ring Highway Bridge in Luoyang City. It is a super large bridge project spanning the Luohe River from Yanshi to Luoning City Express Passage project. The bridge, with a total investment of 230 million yuan, began construction on December 30, 2007. After 22 months of construction, the main body of the Lingbo Bridge was completed and opened to traffic on September 30, 2009, and officially opened to traffic on February 10, 2010.


Lingbo Bridge is the first cable-stayed bridge with two towers and two cable planes in Luoyang City, which is not only a bridge bearing the heavy duty of traffic, but also a landscape bridge. Lingbo Bridge connects Sunxin Road and Heluo Road in the north and Kaiyuan Avenue in Luoyang New District in the south, with a total length of 2345 meters, of which the main bridge is 1256 meters long and 34 meters wide, and the north-south lead line is 1089 meters long and 65 meters wide, with six two-way lanes. The design section is 5 meters ×2 (sidewalk) +4.5 meters ×2 (side divider) +5 meters ×2 (non-motorized lane) +1 meters ×2 (road rock belt) +11.25 meters ×2 (motorized road) +11.5 meters (central divider), the limit speed is 60 kilometers per hour, and the flood control standard is once in a hundred years.

The completion of Lingbo Bridge will closely connect the high-tech zone and Luolong Science and Technology Park, which will play an important role in improving the traffic in the southwest of the city and accelerating the development and construction of this area.



In 2018, the Luoyang government approved the Lingbo Bridge to do night lighting, so that the bridge is more beautiful and magnificent, after the bidding review of a number of companies, the design of the final lighting manufacturers chose Canhua lighting, with the engineering design company to cooperate with each other, the final selection of lamps, 560 meters of landscape outdoor wall washing lights, 230 floodlights, 460 spotlights, 350 point light sources.


Next:Canhua Project Case2021-01-28

Guangdong Canhua Lighting Technology Co.,Ltd


Domestic Sales Department:

Contact Person:Mr.Mo

Sales Line:+86-750-3760663



Overseas Sales Department

Contact Person: Sandy

Sales Line:+86-750-3760663

Moible:+86-13590833370(Whatsapp The Same Number)


Address:Building4,Yuanke Electronics Industrial Park,No151 Yunqin Road,Jianghai District,Jiangmen, Guangdong,China



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